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HOW TO: Install an aftermarket fuse box

Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 and filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site

This is a How-To on replacing the oe fuse box with a more reliable aftermarket ATO-style fuse box. Before we get started, we'll need to collect a few pieces. We'll need a fuse box. I picked mine up from the CARQUEST store where I work. It's a reboxed Littelfuse brand going by the part number 350417BP

xj650 blog Littlefuse 5 gang fuse box

In addition, you'll need a couple of mounting screws (8x1"), electrical tape, a couple zip-ties, a box of female insulated spade terminals, and fuses (ATO10 amp x 3 & ATO20 amp x 1).

Tools? Phillips Screwdriver and Wire Cutters/Crimpers/Strippers.

Okay... Ready? Here we go. Let's meet the patient:

xj650 blog My wife's '82 XJ650J Maxim

My wife's '82 XJ650J Maxim.

Here are the steps...
1. Remove Seat.
2. Remove Right-Hand Access Cover exposing battery.
3. Disconnect battery.
4. Unscrew old fuse block.

xj650 blog Yamaha XJ650 OEM Fusebox

5. Note fuse sizes and wire colors.

xj650 blog Yamaha XJ650 OEM Fusebox Diagram

6. Pry open metal wire retainer ring at the base of oe fuse box.

xj650 blog Yamaha fuse box wire retainer

7. Place zip-ties around left- and right-hand wire bundles and unwrap tape.
8. Cut wires at crimp joints.
9. Take new fuse box and position it for mounting, making sure all the wires will reach their respective terminals.
10. Strip wires and install female insulated spade terminals.

xj650 blog Yamaha fuse box wires prepared

11. Tape wires bundles and attach terminals to fuse box.
12. Using the two #8x1" screws, mount the fuse box.

xj650 blog Yamaha fuse box with wires and fuses installed

13. Install fuses and dust cap.

xj650 blog Yamaha fuse box complete

14. Reconnect the battery.
15. Install side cover and seat.

That's it. You're done!

(Editor's Note) It occurs to me that if you have a tool caddy you'll want to make sure you allow room for it

xj650 blog Yamaha fuse box complete next to tool caddy

Notice how I've bent the spades a little to make the connections a little more convenient. I still need to label the fuses. From left to right, they're 10A IGNITION, 10A SIGNAL, 10A HEAD L., and 20A MAIN.

(Written by Don Bangert Author of several How-To's and the blog, The Path Less Traveled.)

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